My Melanoma Journey MRI And CT Scans – 2018
My Melanoma Journey MRI And CT Scans – 2018

On Tuesday The 10th of April 2018 I was booked in for a MRI and a CT scan at Oxford Hospital.
The MRI scan process take’s 40 minutes, In the MRI Scanner you are placed in a chamber with a iron mask round your head and you have to wear ear plugs.
After the MRI scan had finished I was booked in to have a CT scan, The CT scan takes 20 minutes.
On Thursday 12th April 2018 I went back to Oxford Churchill Hospital to get my results.
I was feeling nervous and also very worried but was so pleased to hear from the doctor the good news that the MRI scan had showed up all clear.
I still have to wait for my CT scan results which I was told I will get on Tuesday.
Waiting for your results seem like a life time because you can’t help but worry,
Most of all keeping positive and having supportive people around are a big help and I thank everyone that helps me along my journey.

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