Arthritis and Immunotherapy side effects Of Melanoma Treatment?

Arthritis and Immunotherapy side effects
Thursday, November 18th, I started a course on steroids, which my consultant recommended to me for my arthritis.
I had a lot of pain in my left knee, right hip and right wrist. The first morning, I had to take 12 tablets. In the middle of the afternoon, the pain had eased.
The next day when I woke up, the pain was back. I took my tablets and went off to work. By 10:45, I could feel the pain again. Throughout the day I had slight pain, but it wasn’t as bad as the previous weeks.
On Saturday morning I had a bit of a pain, throughout the day it was about the same.
Sunday morning the pain what slightly worse, but not too bad, and carried on all day.
Monday morning, the pain was like it was aching, but I kept on taking the medication.
Tuesday morning, I had to have a blood test. My knee wasn’t too bad, still a slight pain though. I went to work; the pain wasn’t too serious.
On Wednesday morning, getting up out of bed was a little painful, but not too bad throughout the day, a little achy.
It has been the same aches all week now. On Thursday 25th, I overslept but when I woke up; I felt not too bad. My hands and hips seem a lot better now, but I’m still getting some slight pain in the knee joint.
I’m still taking a lot of steroids each day. Friday 26th as I was getting out of bed, I just had a slight pain in the knee. No pain in my wrist or hip as I went to work. Friday night, I was not too bad.
Saturday morning, I had a slight pain in my knee and by the afternoon; it was still there.
I woke up on Sunday morning with the same problem, and the pain was there all day.
On Monday morning, as I was getting out of bed, I felt all achy in my leg. As I moved around, it got a little easier.
7th December Tuesday morning, as I was getting out of bed, I was aching.
I went to work for the day; I was scheduled for a blood test after work, but the pain returned at 12:30. My consultant called, and I explained everything to her.
She asked, “Are you still on the steroids?” she told me to go back on the steroids but at a higher dose of 10 mg, and she said I’d be booked in to see an arthritis specialist in Oxford in the next four weeks.
On Wednesday, I was again getting up in the morning. I was a little stiff on my knee.
When I was at work, my knee joint was aching throughout the day.
I called the doctor to see if my prescription was ready. The receptionist said no, so I said I would call in the morning.
Thursday morning, as I was getting out of bed, I felt a little stiff.
I called the doctor in the afternoon to see if my prescription was ready; it wasn’t, so she told me to call back later, which I did; but it still wasn’t ready. I called my consultant secretary, who said it was in the surgery now, so I called back to the Red House surgery, and the email was sent to her. So, my prescription will be ready tomorrow morning and I will pick it up tomorrow night. Also, I’ve booked in to see the physiotherapist in the afternoon.
On December 11th, getting out of bed in the morning, I felt stiff all over. As I moved around, I was getting a little better. So, off I went to work, and my knee was getting painful again.
So, I left work and went to the pharmacy to pick my tablets up. I went straight to the physiotherapist, then we had a chat, and he examined my knee. I told him about the drugs I was on, and I explained to him about immunotherapy, which my consultant told me is the side-effects that are causing arthritis in the knee and my hip. So, he said to me, “There’s not much I can do now, and I am booked in four weeks to see a consultant about my arthritis specialist,” so he discharged me. So, on Monday morning, I will state the steroids again.
On Saturday, December 11th, my entire leg was stiff as I got out of bed.
After about 5 minutes, it was getting better, but come Saturday afternoon, my leg was in pain. My hip started hurting again, and in the afternoon, I tried to rest that night, but I was getting shooting pains down on my left leg.
Sunday morning, I felt like an old man as I got out of bed and afternoon it was the same.
Monday 13th as I was getting out of bed, all my leg was stiff and after about 2 hours, it was getting better. Monday afternoon I started back on the steroids, 6 a day for a week, then the second week, 5 a day, to reduce them.
Tuesday 14th in the morning as I got up for the first time, I felt not too bad, so I went to work. Throughout the day, it was aching again.
December 15th, when I got out of bed, I was still aching and I had my breakfast.
It was a little better, so I went Christmas shopping and throughout the morning, I was in pain again. In the afternoon, I went home and took a third lot of tablets. After about one hour, I was feeling better, and I went to bed but I had a shooting pain down my leg. This went on for an hour, then it eased off and I slept a lot better.
Thursday morning, I had a slight pain, but it wasn’t too bad now and I have taken the fourth lot of steroids.
On Friday 17th morning I wasn’t too bad, just a slight pain in the morning, but I was okay. I was aching throughout Friday afternoon, but not too bad. Today will be the fifth lot of steroid tablets taken. I have now finished work for Christmas. So, I can rest a lot better now by not going to work.
18th December as I woke up, I felt a bit of pain but not too bad. In the morning it was okay, but during the afternoon the pain started again. I’ve just taken the fifth lot of steroids. Saturday night, I had the same pain as I had during the day.
Sunday 19th December, as I got up this morning, my left leg was aching.
Monday 20th December throughout the night I had shooting pains down my left leg.
I woke up at 2 a.m. and for 1 hour I had shooting pains.
It was just the same throughout the day.
Tuesday 21st December morning as I got out of bed, I was not in too much pain.
Throughout the day I was ok, just a slight ache. This is the first day I reduced the steroid tablets.
On Christmas Eve, my left leg is not bad.
Christmas morning as I got out of bed just had a slight twinge.
Throughout Christmas Day, as I sat down eating dinner all around my knee, the joint was aching.
Boxing day morning. The pain was a little achy, so I took the fourth day of reduced steroids.
27th December as I got up, I was not too bad and reducing the steroids now. I am on 4 a day for a week.
28th of December, on waking up this morning, I wasn’t too bad but was tired, just a slight ache. On the second day of reducing the steroids, and I went out for a little while. I had pain in my left knee again.
29th December again as I got up this morning, I didn’t feel too bad, but during the afternoon I was feeling a little more pain.
31st of December getting up in the morning, I was not too bad. Still reducing the steroids 4 a day.
New Year’s Day as I woke up, I had a slight pain but during the day it got worse. I’m still taking the steroid tablets and now I’m thinking that I’m slowly getting immune to them.
2nd of January, my leg is aching again.
On the 3 January, as I got up, the pain started again. I’m still taking the steroids, but I don’t think they work anymore.
On 4 January, as I was getting ready for work, the pain started again, and it was the same all day long. After I left work, I back went home, and I was still aching.
5th January as I was getting ready for work, the pain started again. I went to work, but the pain continued to get worse, so I went home to get some rest.
6th January as I was getting out of bed, I was aching in my both legs. It seemed like I was 80 years old, but I’m only 51! As I was at work it just aching a little through the day.
7th January as I got out of bed, my left leg was aching again.
My right leg was not too bad, so I went to work. Throughout the day, it was aching again. I’m still on three steroids a day.
8th January this morning I was not too bad, just a slight ache in my left leg.
9 January as I got out of bed this morning, I was feeling not too bad. My leg was slightly aching, but okay.
There will be a follow update this year 2022.
Keep up the fight Mick